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The Irish Society's Primary School and Nursery, Coleraine

News - Homepage

2023/2024 School Year

10th May 2024
As part of our WAU topic on Water, P5 pupils have been carrying out research on a...
7th May 2024
Over the last few weeks, P5 have been learning to code using Scratch. P5 know how...
7th May 2024
P4 have been busy constructing pirate ships, playing a coding ship game on the iPad,...
7th May 2024
P4 have been enjoying working in pairs to solve division problems. 
3rd May 2024
Emma from REACH came to visit this Year 6 this week. The children are taking part...
3rd May 2024
Mrs Evans set the boys and girls a challenge! A Minibeast hunt at home and to bring...
2nd May 2024
We enjoyed a fantastic session focusing on the transition process with Richard Reid’s...
30th Apr 2024
On 18th March 2024 our P7 children travelled to London for three days. We visited...
26th Apr 2024
P4Mc did the ‘Floaty Eggs’ science experiment to look at floating and...
19th Apr 2024
Nursery Afternoon Session enjoyed a visit from the fun farm. We experienced meeting...