Parents and Friends Association

We are extremely proud of our Parents' & Friends' Association and the fantastic work they do for our school. Over the past number of years they have raised thousands of pounds that has gone towards the work in school.
Parents of all children enrolled at the school are automatically members of the school’s Parents’ Association. This organisation will be glad to welcome you to any of the functions held throughout the year. Some of these are for families, others may be for parents. Funds raised go to support your child’s educational opportunities.
In 2023 - 2024 our Parents & Friends Association raised funds which went towards the installation of new stage curtains and rails. These were a fantastic addition to our Key Stage 2 Summer Production and our Annual Prize Day.
Principal: C A Murdock BA(Hons), MSc, PGCE, PQH(NI) | E:
The Irish Society's Primary School and Nursery
3 Rugby Avenue, Coleraine, Co Londonderry BT52 1JL | Phone: 028 70343444