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The Irish Society's Primary School and Nursery, Coleraine

🇨🇳🧧🥡Nursery Morning Session celebrate Chinese New Year🥢🥠🥮

9th Feb 2024
We had a fantastic morning celebrating Chinese New Year.
1. we made Chinese spiced dough and made fortune cookies.
2. we built the Great Wall Of China with Lego.
3. we coloured dragon masks.
4. we used chop sticks and red counters to make transient art at the light pad.
5. we built a Chinese feast puzzle.
6. we did cutting and sticking to create a Chinese dragon.
7. we did Chinese writing in sand at the finger gym.
8. we tried lots of Chinese sauces with chicken balls and prawn crackers.
9. we were given a Happy New Year red envelope containing a lucky coin and we also we given a fortune cookie.